Three Wee Kings play practice

fun at CBCkids

where KIDS can receive GOD’S LOVE

We desire to help children experience the life-changing love of Jesus Christ in a safe, secure environment.  We believe that a child’s spiritual foundation can be built during these formative years so that they can become the next generation of hope carriers.  When they share hope, they can change the world!


Kids JAM resumed Wed January 15 at 6:30pm

Some basic information that can help you better plan ahead.

We offer a Nursery for children from birth to 3 years old. 

9:00 am - End of Worship Service

For Kids Age 4 - 5th grade we offer Children's Church.

Kids go to church with family to be able to sing Hymns and Worship Songs.

After the offering prayer our Children's Director gathers the kids and takes them to

 the Fellowship Hall for Bible Study and Crafts. 

List of Services

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